


  • Bike Size Guide: Mountain Bikes
    Those who stand 4′ 10” – 5′ 2” (148 – 158 cm) should get frame size 13 – 14 inches; that’s size XS. If you’re between 5′ 2” – 5 ’6” (158 – 168 cm) the frame recommended is 15 – 16 inches (size S). Those who stand 5′ ’6” – 5′ 10” (168 – 178 cm) should get 17 – 18 inch frames (M).

For those 5′ 10” – 6′ 1” (178 – 185 cm), the suggested frame is 19 – 20 inches (L). If you stand 6′ 1” – 6′ 4” (185 – 193 cm), the recommended bike frame is 21 – 22 inches (XL). If you are between 6 ’4” – 6′ 6” (193 – 198 cm), the frame should be 23 – 24 inches (XXL).

  • Bike Size Guide: Road Bikes
    If you stand 4′ 10” – 5 ’0” (148 – 152 cm), the bike frame should be 47 – 48 cm (size XXS). If you are between 5′ 0 “- 5′ 3” (152 – 160 cm), the bike frame can be 49 – 50 cm (XS). Those who stand 5′ 3” – 5′ 6” (160 – 168 cm) can try 51 – 52 – 53 cm bike frames (S).

Those who stand 5 6” – 5′ 9” 168 – 175 cm) need a frame size of 54 – 55 cm (M). Those who stand 5′ 9” – 6′ 0” (175 – 183 cm) can try 56 – 57 – 58 cm (L) frames.

  • Bike Size Guide: Hybrid Bikes
    If the height is 4′ 10” – 5′ 1” (147 – 155 cm), the suggested frame is 13 – 14 inches (size XS). If the height is from 5′ 1” – 5′ 5” (155 – 165 cm), the frame should be 15 – 16 inches (S).

Those who are 5′ 5” – 5′ 9” (165 – 175) can try a frame size of 17 – 18 inches (M). For individuals 5′ 9” – 6′ 0” (175 – 183 cm), the suggested frame is 19 -20 inches (L). Those who are 6′ 0” – 6′ 3” (183 – 191 cm) may opt for bike frames 21 – 22 inches (XL).

  • Bike Size Guide: Time Trial
    For 5′ 0” – 5′ 3” (152 – 160 cm), the frame size suggested is 49 – 50 cm (XS). For 5′ 3” – 5′ 6” (160 – 168 cm), the frame size is 51 – 52 cm (S). For those 5′ 6” – 5′ 9” (168 – 175 cm), the frame size should be 53 -54 cm (M).

For those 5′ 9” – 6′ 0” (175 – 183 cm), the suggested frame size is 55 – 56 cm (L). If you are 6′ 0” – 6′ 3” (183 – 191 cm), 57 – 58 cm is the ideal frame size (size XL). For people 6′ 3” – 6′ 6” (191 – 198 cm), the frame size can be 60 – 61 cm (XXL).

This bike size guide takes into account only the individual’s physical frame. If you feel uncomfortable with a certain frame for any reason, talk to the salesperson and look for other sizes.


26*1.75 表示车胎的直径为26英寸,宽度为1.75英寸。这种车胎为山地车胎或现代的民用车,采用的是标准的英制车圈。
26*1又3/8,28*1又1/2表示车胎直径为26英寸 28英寸,宽度为1又3/8英寸,1又1/2英寸。这种车胎为老式民用车采用像传统的凤凰永久飞鸽,以前生产的车圈,由于国内的制造规范与国外不统一,所以尺寸比标准的英制略大。




运动级别的山地越野用套件,从高到低的名称依次是:XTR、Deore XT、Deore LX、Deore、ALIVIO、Acera、ALTUS、TOURNEY,更低的C050,SIS之类民用变速不在此列,另外还有HONE(介于XT和LX之间,适用重型XC和AM)、SAINT(介于XTR和XT之间,适用于AM和FR)、适用于小轮车的DXR,capreo用的较少,也暂不探讨。

山地越野:XTR是竞赛级、Deore XT是训练级、Deore LX是专业训练级、Deore是专业入门级、ALIVIO是娱乐级、Acera和ALTUS都是娱乐级、TOURNEY算是入门娱乐级。Deore是个分水岭,Deore(含)以上都可以称为专业级。
